Recovering data from docker volume

I am fan of running my development environment fully inside dev-container. Something funny happened yesterday, while trying to Symfony 6.0. I prepared dev-container environment and changed few configuration inside dockerfile to rebuild machine with PHP ext-intl extension. The rebuild was giving error, so I locked outside, I was not able to change dockerfile as it was part of machine. Luckily, the code I was working on was mounted as a volume.

  • Open the Docker Dashboard
  • Install the extension "Volume Backup & Share"
Recovering data from docker volume
  • Find the Volumes
Recovering data from docker volume
  • Select the files you want to recover from volume. (The culprit for me was Dockerfile, it was on volume, the accidental mistake)
Recovering data from docker volume
  • Save these files, you can select a folder also.
Recovering data from docker volume
  • Save the folder/files as Zip, (make sure you mention correct ".zip" extension)
Recovering data from docker volume

Thats it.

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